Poker Woman: How to Win at Love, Life, and Business using the Principles of Poker shows how to apply winning poker strategies to all aspects of life so you get what you want and are worth.. even if you’ve never played a hand of cards.
Poker isn’t just a card game – it’s a metaphor for life. NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON!
A game of luck and psychology combined with skill, and making the most of the cards you are dealt. Author Ellen Leikind, encourages everyone to play to win. PokerWoman is not a “how to play” book. Instead, it uses poker as a metaphor to show how to get what you want in business and in life. Using real life personal stories from successful women like:
- Knowing when you have “The Nuts”
- Breaking into the Boys Club
- When to raise the stakes and go all-in
- Choosing the right game
- Who and when to bluff
- How to embrace risk
- Betting on yourself

When Should You Go All In?
Poker Woman teaches women to get what they want at work and in their personal lives by piling up the chips, making the most of the cards they are dealt, how to win, and if you lose, how to get back in the game. Whether the game is cards, romance, or business.
The author encourages the reader to overcome their fears and doubts, find their voice, figure out what they want, and claim their rightful seat at any table. Although instructions and games rules are included, PokerWoman is not a “how to play” book, instead it teaches women how to win their own game.
The Introduction to PokerWoman was written by Kathy Liebert, one of the top ranked female tournament poker players with cash earnings over $7,000,000. NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON!
What people are saying about Poker Woman:
I got this book for my Aunt who is a poker player . I was curious and opened the book with the idea of skimming it. After all, I thought, I don’t gamble and I certainly don’t play poker. As I read page after page I made a discovery. I was a “Poker Woman.” Of course I never thought of myself as one before. Just for fun I took your quiz and came out with a solid “B” and my epiphany was that the same skills that are important in love, life and business have their parallel in poker. I do not know the first thing about the game but my whole perception of poker has changed after reading this book. I might even give playing poker a try!
The wisdom of ‘Poker Woman’ transferred to areas of my life that were previously unexamined. I stopped being a ‘calling station’ and learned how to stand up for what I needed without being obnoxious or unreasonable. It’s worth reading several times. You’ll get something else out of it each time. My relationship with my husband changed for the better.
Like poker, life is a game, and Ellen Leikind makes that connection come to life in an informative and entertaining must-read. These are lessons to share with your girlfriends, your sisters and your daughters. Then break out that deck of cards and go all in!
Forget golf! For women, the new way to the board room is Texas Hold ‘Em. The skills you learn at the poker table–strategy, bluffing, risk evaluation and maintaining that good old poker face–make you a better executive. And did I mention that you’re having fun, too?
How often do you find books that promise to teach you everything there is to know about playing poker? Too often, that’s how. So, when another “how to play” book comes along, the poker world barely rears its head in acknowledgement. But, when something entirely new comes along, the entire poker world practically stands at attention. And this time, with “PokerWoman” gracing the shelves, it seems as if the whole world will be standing alongside the poker enthusiasts. You see, this book isn’t about winning at poker – it’s about winning at work, love, and life through poker.
This is an entertaining and enlightening book. And dangerous. Take the title seriously: It really is written to give women an advantage in virtually every area of life, from poker to business to personal relationships. Which is the reason every male and female poker player, and non-poker player, should read it. Ellen Leikind analyzes the games of poker and life in a straight-forward manner, with many examples, to make the lessons easy to apply. The transitions can be fascinating. Take ‘Playing with Fire: Trading on Attraction,’ Read it, if only in self-defense.