Think about this:
8% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women, and 5% of players in the World Series of poker are women. Coincidence? We don’t think so.
PokerDivas Can Change Those Odds.
Now more than ever before, it’s imperative for your company to encourage women’s leadership.
When women learn poker skills and play the game, they not only have fun but physically experience what it’s like to be bold and assertive. This immediately teaches and sharpens the leadership skills needed for professional success. It’s more entertaining and more effective than a tedious how-to lecture.
Forget Chardonnay in the conference room and join us around a different kind of table. Men are welcome to attend as well; we bet they can learn a thing or two from each other! Poker is the new golf and women need to get into the game and take their rightful seat at the table.
It is not about gambling. It’s about building confidence, learning to read and understand people, becoming a better negotiator, and taking calculated risks. PokerDivas teaches players to play to win as opposed to avoid losing.
Poker and Women
PokerDivas Programs can help Women:
Gain insights into colleagues’ personalities and motivations
Experience the power of calculated risk-taking
Increase confidence and assertiveness
Learn the value of friendly competition
Deal with a bully
Be a bold negotiator