Dear Friend,
Have you joined us at a PokerDivas event?
Are you looking for a new group to play with?
Then come to the table and grow your professional network, expand your business, and have some fun!
We invite you to join PokerDivas’ exclusive, members-only Poker Club!
Members will enjoy a unique networking experience where they can acquire valuable business skills, meet like-minded professionals and have fun.
All players welcome.
Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate, we’ll match you with players at your level.
Convenient NYC Midtown East 50’s Location
JOIN BY SEPTEMBER 23rd and Save up to $400!
Learn more about our Corporate Memberships
Did you say you’re crazy busy, and don’t know if you can make it?
Not to worry. We have enough games and membership options to fit your schedule.
Next Event is Sept 24th!
Join our Radio Show!
Tune in as PokerDivas founder and CEO Ellen Leikind discusses topics that impact women (and men) in business every Thursday at 1pm Est including:
Fears that negatively impact your career
Playing games you cannot win professionally and personally
Why women avoid asking friends for professional help
Managing difficult personality types
How to get over and move on from failure
Dealing with inappropriate behavior and stereotyping
How to become a better negotiator and people reader