We’ve all bragged or boasted about one thing or another. It’s human nature. But bragging has negative connotations, and many people, particularly women, are often hesitant to speak positively about their accomplishments. A recent study found that professional women were significantly more likely to brag about a friend’s professional accomplishments than their own for fear of violating conceptions about their own “ladylike” nature.
The myth of hard work winning raises and promotions is exactly that – A myth. If no one knows what you contribute, you can be the best and the brightest and it’s not going to get you what you want. It doesn’t mean being annoying and obnoxious but speak up and be proud. We like these four ideas on how to self-promote from The Muse. (Read full article)
If you want to get ahead you need to be bold and have the confidence to be a self promoter. The PokerDivas program can help. You’ll learn important assertiveness skills necessary to help you confidently communicate your worth while building a network to support your success.
Not to brag or anything, but we’ve had the opportunity to be a part of some amazing interactive events this summer all over the US and even in a Castle in Italy as we continue to expand PokerDivas Globally. We had the pleasure of working with professionals in Real Estate, Finance, Law, Media and Private Equity. Take a look at what went on at the tables and if you want some business tips from the table check out this blog by Jennifer Mantini.
Book your Fall and Winter Programs Now to Guarantee Your Preferred Date!
CONTACT US AT [email protected] OR 646-450-1905
Keep yourself in the game with a membership to the PokerDivas poker club. Beginners and all levels welcome. Game refresher instruction provided.
Enjoy playing the game in a comfortable environment, meeting great people and having some fun. Experience the thrill of the game without the risk of losing any money.* Convenient Midtown East location. Individual and Corporate memberships available
Contact us or book your event today and we will send you a complimentary copy of Poker Woman: How to Win in Love, Life and Business Using the Principles of Poker. Know a friend or business colleague who could benefit from some serious negotiating skills? Take advantage of our Referral Program. Contact us at 646-450-1905 or via email to book your event!
PokerDivas teaches business & life skills using the principles of poker. You will learn everything you need to know at the poker table to excel at the conference table. It’s not about gambling, it’s about making bold moves, immediately increasing confidence and assertiveness, learning to manage a bully at work, negotiating like a winner, getting more clients, and networking while having fun! We offer:
• Corporate Team Building
• Diversity Programs
• Women’s Initiative Programs
• Summer Intern and Associate Programs
• Business Building Events for Current or Perspective Clients
• Sales Meetings and Incentive Programs
Wondering what we’re all about? Watch the quick video to learn more about us.
Call or email us to learn about our unique educational and entertainment programs.